Empirical papers on paedagogical applications:
Palinscar, A. S., & Brown, A. L. (1984). Reciporcal teaching of
comprehension-forstering and comprehension-monitoring acitivites. Cognition
and Instruction, 1, 117-175.
Lambiotte, Judith G; Skaggs, Lisa P; Dansereau, Donald F. Learning from
lectures: Effects of knowledge maps and cooperative review strategies.
[Journal Article] Applied Cognitive Psychology. Vol 7(6), Nov 1993, 483-497.
Lambiotte, Judith G; Dansereau, Donald F. Effects of knowledge maps and
prior knowledge on recall of science lecture content. [Journal Article]
Journal of Experimental Education. Vol 60(3), Spr 1992, 189-201.
Dansereau, Donald F; et al. Development and evaluation of a learning
strategy training program. [Journal Article] Journal of Educational
Psychology. Vol 71(1), Feb 1979, 64-73.