Material for Lectures on Categorization

Cross-cultural similarities and differences in categorization:

Lopez, Alejandro; Atran, Scott; Coley, John D; Medin, Douglas L; et al. The tree of life: Universal and cultural features of folkbiological taxonomies and inductions. [Journal Article] Cognitive Psychology. Vol 32(3), Apr 1997, 251-295.

Categorization in experts:

Medin, Douglas L; Lynch, Elizabeth B; Coley, John D; Atran, Scott. Categorization and reasoning among tree experts: Do all roads lead to Rome? [Journal Article] Cognitive Psychology. Vol 32(1), Feb 1997, 49-96.
Brooks, Lee R; Norman, Geoffrey R; Allen, Scott W. Role of specific similarity in a medical diagnostic task. [Journal Article] Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Vol 120(3), Sep 1991, 278-287.

Categorization in children:

Gelman, Susan A; Coley, John D. The importance of knowing a dodo is a bird: Categories and inferences in 2-year-old children. [Journal Article] Developmental Psychology. Vol 26(5), Sep 1990, 796-804.
Gelman, Susan A; Kremer, Kathleen E. Understanding natural causes: Children's explanations of how objects and their properties originate. [Journal Article] Child Development. Vol 62(2), Apr 1991, 396-414.

Categorization of disgusting things:

Rozin, Paul; Millman, Linda; Nemeroff, Carol. Operation of the laws of sympathetic magic in disgust and other domains. [Journal Article] Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. Vol 50(4), Apr 1986, 703-712.