Topic Talk  site Speaker Status Comments/ recommendations:
Nature vs Nurture Epigenetics NOVA  

in class, May 29th

prenatal development Life's greatest miracle NOVA   optional, by May 30th  pretty basic stuff, nice images
prenatal development When does personhood begin? Swarthmore Scott Gilbert, Swarthmore optional, May 30th audio & ppt
Critical period for phonemes /r/  /l/ how babies learn to talk? TED Patricia Kuhl, U. Washington required by, May 31ty
plasticity visual system how the brains learn to see


Pawan Sinha, neuroscientist, MIT (blindness & poverty)   kind of boring


  What is like to be a baby Open Yale Paul Bloom, Yale   50' lecture from his Intro to Psych course

chronic pain in children

TED Eliot Krane, Anesthesiologist, Stanford Children Hospital    


Why babies talk TED Alison Gopnik UC Berkeley  
the birth of a word TED Deb Roy, cognitive scientist, MIT    
 Judgment and Decision Making Being happy in your life vs. being happy about your life TED Dan Kahneman,  Princeton U.  
  The Origins of pleasure TED Paul Bloom, Yale U  
  positive psychology TED Martin Seligman, Penn    
  Grit TED Angela Duckworth, Penn    
false memories  Child testimony, outline Discovering psychology: Ch. 24,@ 12.30 mins) Stephen Ceci,    
  Steeling Time: The New Science of Aging