Gross Neuroanatomy
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Study Guide

Lab Handout Lab Links Media
2.b Anatomy Notes (4.1 MB). I will not cover neuroanatomy in Monday lecture, but here are some notes that you may find helpful for the lab.

 Chapter 3. For an initial list of the structures you should be able to find on a brain model, see the anatomy handout in the next column

 Handout #1: Human Anatomy Human Brain Atlas great MRIs Play Anatomy Bowl  (nervous system)
Handout #2: MRI of parietal stroke Pinky&theBrain


Brain Atlas (Author: U. of Washington): An excellent resource for anyone trying to learn human neuroanatomy.   
AnatoWeb (Author: U. Minessota) Excellent site in which to test your knowledge of neuroanatomy, with quizzes that offer feedback.
Gallery of mammalian brains (U. Wisconsin)
secret life of the brain (PBS)



