Gross Neuroanatomy
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Notes |
Study Guide |
Lab Handout | Lab Links | Media |
2.b Anatomy Notes (4.1 MB). I will not cover neuroanatomy in Monday lecture, but here are some notes that you may find helpful for the lab. |
Chapter 3. For an initial list of the structures you should be able to find on a brain model, see the anatomy handout in the next column |
Handout #1: Human Anatomy | Human Brain Atlas great MRIs | Play Anatomy Bowl (nervous system) |
Handout #2: MRI of parietal stroke | Pinky&theBrain |
Brain Atlas (Author: U. of Washington): An excellent resource for anyone trying to learn human neuroanatomy. |
AnatoWeb (Author: U. Minessota) Excellent site in which to test your knowledge of neuroanatomy, with quizzes that offer feedback. |
Gallery of mammalian brains (U. Wisconsin) |
secret life of the brain (PBS) |