Synaptic Transmission and psychopharmacology
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Lecture Notes

Study Guide

Specific NT systems

Chapter 4 

General Issues in Psychopharmacology (probably won't be included in Fall 2012)

                           USEFUL LINKS

-Chemical synapse animation click on first item. ('Biology' by Raven et al.)

-Neurotransmitter release at a neuro-muscular junction ('Neurobiology' by Matthews et al.)
-Another animation showing pre and post synaptic action  Be sure to click PLAY once the first tutorial part of the animation is over - it shows everything all together. (Author: 'The Mind Project')

PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY: how do recreational drugs work at the synaptic level? This excellent site shows animations on how "recreational" drugs work at the synaptic level. You can also learn about the drug effects at the cellular, neurological, psychological, and social levels as well. Includes information on alcohol, amphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, etc. Material is presented at three levels of depth: beginner (highschool), intermediate (undergrad), advance (grad). (The brain from top to bottom, by Bruno Dubuc, McGill  U.).