Reproduction & Maternal care
(back to lecture schedule)

Lecture Notes

Study Guide

Lab Activities

Optional Readings


1. sex determination

2. sex hormones

3. primate sexuality

4. sexual intercourse

5. spared slides

NOTE: all these slides appear in today's handout (10/22/07)

part 1(book)

We watch the PBS video Why sex? (60 mins)

 Sarah Hrdy: Motherhood from an Evolutionary perspective 

  Annenberg Media. (video 30 mins), Biology of Sex & Gender, Ch. 11

The biological basis of love and social bonding (intro, paper 1, paper 2) Why sex? (PBS series on evolution) (VT4278 VHS)
The science and ethics of castration (Atul Gawande, Slate)

Fatherhood (required reading) S. Hrdy

Handout for discussion after watching the video Maternal care and individual differences to stress response Discovering Psychology (Ch. 17, Gender and Sex.  Male/Female similarities & differences; how gender roles reflect social values)
Facial beauty & hormones (Peter Ellison)
Neoteny by S.J. Gould
gender differences in math  cartoon 1.
The neurology of sexual pleasure (Scientific American Mind, april 08)  


-Lectures from the University of Plymouth (hormones & sexual behavior; psychosexual differentiation; nature vs. nurture; maternal behavior)

- peacock