Poster Project

You will be work with a group of 2 or 3 other students to create a poster explaining a specific topic in biological psychology (for topics, click here).  During one of the labs your group will give a short presentation of your topic. It is important both to the presenting groups and to your own grade that you attend all presentation sessions. If you know other students in the class who you would like to work with, you are welcome to coordinate with them in the selection of a topic.

Required Readings: For each topic you will report a ‘target article’. For some topics, I have already selected the target article.  You should read the article and use it as the primary source for further exploring the topic. You should also read the textbook information on your topic. You are welcome to use information from trusted websites. For other topics, I have listed a REVIEW article. You will use the review as background reading and from its references you will select a target article. The target article should be an empirical paper published in a peer reviewed journal.

Timeline: By Monday August 29th, you should have read the list of topics and thought about which topic you would like to choose. In doing so, glance at the target article to make sure it suits your interest. At the beginning of lecture on Monday, you will write down your preferred topic. You will also have the option to write down the name of classmates you would like to work with.

            During the month of September, each group will meet at least once with Diego and/or Mary Beth to discuss the progress in the project (I will provide sign-up sheets). By that meeting you should have read the target paper. The poster is due a week before the presentation date. Presentation dates will be in labs of week 24/10 and 31/10.

Presentation: Here are the Guidelines, some tips on  Neuroscience writing , a generic example, and the Grading criterion

Peer Evaluation: You will have to fill in this form in anonymous fashion.