Videos & other Media
Annenberg Media. (watch online). Three chapters, each 30 mins long. Ch 9: Human Evolution; Ch 10: Neurobiology; Ch 11: The biology of Sex & Gender
Stress, Trauma, and the Brain (2004). (DVD, 60 mins, it's in the library) Films for the Humanities & Sciences ; WETA Washington, D.C. in association with the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives. Media Collection - Ask at Bound Periodicals Desk. Call Number: QP376 .S77 2004 (DVD).
Evolution (PBS, 2001) 8 videocassettes (600 mins). Topics include Sex, Religion, etc. Media Collection, ask Circulation desk. Call number VT4278 VHS
Don’t forget! (DVD, 60 mins, it's in the library) Scientific American/ PBS. Media Collection - Ask at Bound Periodicals Desk. Call Number: BF371 .D67 2004 (DVD). Summary: Alan Alda investigates how people create memories and how as they age, memories become slippery and elusive, sometimes vanishing forever. He visits two men who live entirely in the present or the distant past, unable to recall events that happened even a few minutes ago. He also meets a volunteer in an experimental treatment for Alzheimer's disease and gets the latest on the search for an Alzheimer's vaccine.
Steeling Time: The New Science of Aging (1998) (DVD, three parts of 60 mins each, it's in the library) Media Collection - Ask at Bound Periodicals Desk. Call Number: VT5241 VHS Part One studies why aging evolved in the first place. Part Two analyzes the mechanisms of aging, while Part Three examines the effects of aging on the brain. Parts 1 & 3 are REQUIRED. Part 2 is optional.Changing Your Mind (2000) (VHS, 60 mins, it's in the library) Scientific American XI/ PBS. Media Collection - Ask at Bound Periodicals Desk. Call Number: VT5240 VHS Alan Alda meets two young women whose brains have remodeled themselves -- one temporarily in response to a week of being blindfolded, the other permanently after a devastating brain injury before birth. They are dramatic examples of neuroplasticity" -- today's hot topic in brain research. Alda also joins researchers who have overthrown the conventional wisdom that adults can't grow new brain cells."
Worried Sick (2003) (DVD, 60 mins, it's in the library) Scientific American/ PBS. Media Collection - Ask at Bound Periodicals Desk. Call Number: QP82.2.S8 W67 2003 . Stress is the curse of modern living -- but is it actually so new? Does it only affect people? Can you really get sick from stress? Can relaxation make you better?
The secret Life of the Brain (this link is to a review of this video, which describes the topics)
Tales of a Medical Renegade: 'The Lobotomist' by Terry Gross Fresh Air from WHYY, March 10, 2005 · Journalist Jack El-Hai is the author of The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and His Tragic Quest to Rid the World of Mental Illness. El-Hai is the executive vice president of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and a winner of the June Roth Memorial Award for Medical Journalism.
From Dana Foundation: (description): One-hour long radio documentaries combining news about pioneering brain research with personal stories. Topics: Aging; Alcohol & drugs ; Alzheimer's disease; The arts and the brain; The Immune system & the brain; the body clock; depression; the developing brain; emotion & the brain; learning throughout life; mapping the brain; memory; men, women, & the brain; music & the brain; neuroethics; on the edge of discovery (neuroimmunology); pain; sleep; sports, fitness & the brain; stress & the brain; stroke; surgery & the brain; the teenage brain; trauma & the brain
Other videos we might use at some point
The Brain Teaching Modules (Annenberg Media, 1997): 32 modules ranging from 5-20 mins
The MIND Teaching Modules (Annenberg Media, 1999): 32 modules ranging from 5-20 mins
Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition (Annenberg Media, 1990/2001): 26 chapters of 30 mins each. Philip Zimbardo narrates as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body. Produced by WGBH Boston with the American Psychological Association. 1990, 2001. Chapter 10 COGNITION will be used in Cog Psy course
The World of Abnormal
Psychology (Annenberg Media, 1992): 13 one-hour video programs
(stress, substance abuse, anxiety, personality, Alzheimer's, depression,
schizophrenia, autism). See how people with diagnosed
psychological disorders actually behave. Case studies, enriched with commentary
from experts. The series explores current theory and practice in the treatment
of the mentally ill, covering the multiple approaches that prevail in the field