Topic |
Talk |
Concepts addressed in the
talk |
Speaker |
Other talks by same author |
Diego recommends:  |
visual neuroscience |
gero_miesenboeck |
how the brains learn to see (blindness & poverty) |
Pawan Sinha,
neuroscientist, MIT |
Optical Illusions & how we see |
Beau Lotto |
brain damage & consciousness |
capgras |
Ramachandran |
bases of Mind reading |
Rebecca Saxe, MIT |
chronic pain in children |
Eliot Krane, Anesthesiologist, Stanford
Children Hospital |
Psychology of Language |
Why babies talk |
Alison Gopnik |
birth of a word |
Deb Roy,
cognitive scientist, MIT |
how babies learn to talk? |
Patricia Kuhl, U. Washington |
on language and thought |
Steve Pinker, psycholinguist, MIT |
The Origins of pleasure |
Paul Bloom, Yale U. |
Judgment and Decision Making |
Being happy in your life vs. being happy about your life |
Dan Kahneman, Princeton U. |
on mistaken expectations |
expected utility |
Dan Gilbert,
Harvard U. |
why are we happy? |
the paradox of choice |
Barry Schwartz,
Swarthmore College |
on wisdom (part
part 2) |
are we in control of our decisions? |
Dan Ariely, behavioral economist, Duke U. |
Predictably irrational (in
youtube or in |
why is it OK to cheat (sometimes)? |
positive psychology |
martin seligman, Penn |
Morality |
Moral Foundations |
Jonathan Haidt |