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Lecture  Resources Lab Handout Readings / Resources (optional unless noted)
lecture Method: generalization Prototype When does personhood begin? In this 20' online lecture (mp3 , slides)  developmental biologist Scott Gilbert from Swarthmore College highlights the difficulties of pinpointing when sperm and egg become 'a person'. 
Study Guide   Applied: defining legal concepts mini-lecture on Prototype & Posner's study folk theory of evolution
folk psychiatry
stereotypes (Rothbart)
DSM & causal theories of mental illness (Ahn)
Essentialism & mental illness (Ahn, PsySci)
  Asperger diagnosis (S. Baron-Cohen, NYTimes, '09)

                           USEFUL LINKS

Would you marry someone with Type B blood type? this report from the BBC, starting at 34.50, nicely illustrates the idea of Race as a socially constructed concept.

rumor chain (ToP)