Judgment & Decision Making
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Lecture Media  Resources (optional) Lab Handout Readings (optional unless noted)
judgment  Discovering Psychology: Ch. 11,  (outline) Method: a nice Handout list of articles
task demands systematic data collection genocide
how to eat less during Thanksgiving (Klein, WashPost, 09)
nudges (Slate)
decision making     Applied: juries & stereotypes   pain
Study Guide       california
neuroeconomics new yorker
How doctors think (New Yorker)
Availability heuristic
why do goalies jump during penalties, if it is counterproductive? (see also NYTimes)


Is Alan Iverson really the best player? How do you know? Check out this 2-page commentary by Malcom Gladwell in the New Yorker, on the difficulties of attributing causality when there multiple factors are correlated

example of availability heuristic: why searching the web for medical info makes us think we have a tumor? (slate)

Nova: Mind over Money



Society for Medical Decision Making

Society for Judgment and Decision Making

for instructors

self other asymmetry in grades (ToP)
Anchoring Heuristic (ToP)
Other Heuristics(ToP)

That's a trained mouse, folks.