Hormones and stress
(back to lecture schedule)

Lecture Notes

Study Guide

Lab Handout 

Optional Readings


Lecture Notes

 Study Guide

 Go to  StressLab page

(not done Fall 2012)

Are some personalities more prone to being stressed out?  (Sapolsky, p.3)

watch video: "Stress, trauma, and the brain" (part 1)

      Stress at the daycare (plus comment)  
      PsychoNeuroImmunology cartoon of the day
      Stress & Depression (Curr Dir Psych)  


Match the hormone to its endocrine gland!
A BBC website on stress - it includes a stress test!
-Animation show a peptide hormone signal transduction via a G-protein coupled receptor (forget the details; appreciate the complicated chain of events.)
Lecture on hormones and stress (University of Plymouth).



