Psy 4500: Cognitive Psychology, Spring 2013

Textbook Website

CogLab website  List of interesting Articles (optional) Useful Links*
Lecture Date Week Lecture Topic*. 


 News, Notes, & Reminders

1/14 1 Introduction to Cognition (Ch. 1)

Getting Started with CogLab


bring laptop & credit card to lab
1/21 2 no lecture (Martin Luther King Day)  Methods in Cognition Sternberg Memory Search do the Sternberg Memory Search task in CogLab
lab starts at 12.30 (2h lab)
1/28 3  Object Recognition  (Ch. 3) Visual Search  
Face Recognition
2/4 4   Spatial Attention (Ch. 4) Spatial Cueing   
2/11 5 Executive Attention (Ch. 4) Stroop  Simon  
2/18 6 Working Memory  (Ch. 1, Ch. 5) Phonological Similarity Brown-Peterson how to ace an essay exam
what do you mean by that? (useful terms)
2/25 7 Exam! (see additional study guide) Meetings to discuss Initial Plan sheet
3/4   March Break
3/11 8  Long-Term Memory (Ch. 6 & 7) Serial Position Levels of Processing Initial Plan for Writing Assignment 
3/18 9   Concepts (Ch. 8) Prototype    Categorical Identification  Memento
3/25 10 catch up Easter (no lab)
4/1 11 post-Easter (no lecture)   mtgs w/students about their papers
4/8 12 Imagery (ch. 10) talks
4/15 13 xxxxxxx


4/22 14 Judgment & Decision Making  (ch. 11)


4/29 15 Reasoning & Problem Solving (ch. 12) Consciousness (ch. 13)   Final Paper due Monday of this week in class
Wednesday: review
Final Exam:  Friday May 10th, 2.30-5.00 pm
Spare topics

Risky Decisions Typical Reasoning

 Language (ch. 10)

Memory Errors/ Metamemory (Ch. 7) Nova video: Mind over Money

 Applied Issues

Cognitive Development  False Memory
aging  Instrs manual

*I have tried to find reliable info but cannot guarantee all links lead to accurate information.
The schedule is tentative and subject to change. Changes will be announced in class.
